Title: My End Author: Yaya Pairing: dainoo Rating: pg-15 Genre: Darkfic, cd Summary: mhmm, well, I still haven't learnt how to write summaries... A/N: I'm sorry. This is the end. Well, it's really dark and bloody, please don't read if you're not good with bloody endings.
Title: My Decision Pairing: DaiNoo Genre: darkfic, angst Rating: PG-15 Author: Mi A/N I created the new tags ;game base & ;game answer. Maybe we could do more of this, it’s kinda fun, ne? One starts and the other continues. No one knows how it will end. That’s nice, I like it. So Yaya, the game has not ended yet.
Title: Dropping Masks Genre: darkfic, angst Rating: PG-13 Author: Mi Pairing: Dainoo A/N sorry for this silly fic game of Yaya and me but I just had to answer again. Still, it’s not really a prequel. Please don't hate me, Yaya. I hope you understand..
[I'm weak]After I slammed the door shut I collapsed on my bed. Tears were streaming down my cheeks and I
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Title: Why? Author: Yaya Genre: Darkfic, angst Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Dainoo, Inoo-centric Summary: Again, I can't write summaries... A/N: Well, since mi answered my story, I don't want to leave the story there... This is my answer to her story, again at Inoo's POV.
Title: My lie Author: yaya Pairing: none Summary: just read the story Raring: PG-15 Genre: Darkfic A/N: Merry Christmas everyone... Please excuse my bad mood
[My whole life is a lie] I did it again. Hurting myself. Once during those rare happy days when Yabu found out I was hurting myself I promised not to do it again. It was a lie. I'm good at lying. Well, my whole life
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